
Loan horses!

Recently, me and my mum have been looking around for a horse that I could get on part loan. Part loaning means, getting a horse that is yours on certain days of the week, a bit like renting a horse it's not fully yours unless you buy it. While we have been looking around we have found one horse called Remus but he is currently being loaned by someone else, so my dad is going to ask about horses at north lizard riding school. So next Sunday, depending on the prices I may have a part loan horse. Of course in the perfect world, I would get Percy on loan because he is the best horse ever but the chances of it happening are slim because he is such a good school horse eric wouldn't actually put him up for loan.

If only I could get Percy on loan.

One horse at the stables that could possibly get put up for loan is a recent livery that came into the school called chico. He was a livery but then he has recently come back into the school but I dont know why, Chico is an amazing energetic horse, he is also very tall and a really good jumper, I want a horse that is a good jumper because umping is my favourite discipline.

Chico is a lovely grey horse and as you can see he is very tall. He only gets used about once a day either in my lesson with the more advanced riders or in a free ride, usually ridden by one of the girls in my lesson (the advanced riders). He does sometimes get ridden in the 1:30 lesson, they are the lesson just below my lesson and they are quite good riders, in the last lesson they did, they did jumping and Chico got so excited and did a great job getting over the jumps with no faults.

That's a good catch up on my life I this and hopefully, by next week I will have a horse on part loan. One thing I hope with getting a horse on mart loan is that I can still help out at the stables and have my lessons on a Sunday.

Thanks for reading and ride on! XXX
